la Galerie d'Arts

Bernard Soupre (Painters)

Cliquez Bernard Soupre


Born in 1946

At first sight, what more commonplace as an accessory that empty chair? But when they are organized according to the lives of people who have occupied, then they whisper to us their memories sometimes funny, sometimes nostalgic, always poetic.

The artist's approach leads to the only representation of the "crowd" of empty chairs, without dwelling on the decorative surface.
Only life is expressed. And Bernard Soupre gives it to heart joy to juggle with the graphics chairs intertwined, to the evocative abstraction, where the composition and use of space is their creative role.

The artist has not finished exploring the language of the chairs after a day of dedicated service to the lovers, loners, groups happy, in short, all social organizations.
We ask only to be surprised again and share his world so peaceful, so relaxing, so alive.

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